CBS Sports App

CBS Sports App

CBS Sports is the 2nd largest sports news platform in the world with over 5 million monthly users across iOS/Android. The sports app lets users check their favourite team's news, scores, video highlights and much more. My job as the app lead designer was to take the aging app and overhaul the UI, UX and Interactions.

My Role
Lead Product Designer
UI, UX & Interaction design

My Role
Lead Product Designer
UI, UX & Interaction design



One of the first features I worked on was the onboarding experience. We could see through the data that our retention rates of new users would greatly drop off if they did not set up their favourite teams. Users who did not set up their favourite teams would miss out on key features and functionality that would greatly enhance their experience on the app.  We reduced the number of steps and visual noise, focusing on the task, as well as the benefits of completing each task.


My Teams

The new and improved 'My Teams' screen is a collection view of the user's favourite teams where they can get the most recent scores, news, highlights and schedules. This screen gives the user a qucik snapshot of all the most recent and important updates, as well as quick access to the teams home screen to find more detailed information.


News Feed & Article

The News Feed and Article screens are one of the most visited sections of the app. We created a minimal design that puts a focus on the content and interactions between the two screens.


Video Player

CBS was changing their approach of how to monetise the app. Traditional banner apps were becoming less effective each year. The business was putting a much larger focus on video content with pre-roll video ads. We built a new video player with related video content based on your favourite teams and trending media. We also wanted to find a seamless way for user's to browse related articles without leaving the video eco system. See the principle animation below of how we achieved this. 


Scoreboard Animation

While watching the scoreboard to see all the latest lives games, we wanted to make it more obvious to the user that a team has scored. I created several animations, from subtle to very visual/obvious. After getting feedback from our users, we went with option 1 for small scores and option 3 for larger plays like touchdowns (NFL) or 3 pointers (Basketball). 

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